Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Day 64

So I am officially below my next goal weight which was 479lbs, I will save exactly how much below for Friday, but its time to set a new goal weight and I don't have anything that means something to me. the first goal was to get under 500 lbs because it was a century mark, the second was to get under 479 because it was my last known weight. I first thought 450lbs but thats a long haul of 31 lbs since my last weigh in and I don't wish to add a false stress point of a long way off goal, so maybe 460lbs is a better "next goal" as my loss has seemingly slowed down a bit. so I think with that I have just decided my next goal, it shall be 460 lbs. you have all just seen a thought pattern typed out as it entered my head and left through my fingers.

The day went ok as far as intake goes and I made just about 1500 again , I came in at 1465 cals but I did have one small cube of chopped watermelon before bed that I did not add to my Excel sheet so I am a little low on my calorie count, not by much because a few oz of melon would take up that 35 cals I have left and I had 1 small cube, in the spirit of staying 100% honest and accountable I thought I would mention it here.

I am missing the bike, there is no two ways about it I miss riding the bike and I have to get a pedal soon or I will go did I just say I would go nuts if I couldn't ride my bike? that same statement would not have been muttered 3 months ago and now it rings truer than any truth I can think of. I think I am going to "borrow" a pedal off of my sons bike temporarily until I can find one that will work. with a regular bike pedal I will be able to pedal but the arm movements will not be there because of the short shaft on a regular pedal, its better than nothing I think, so off to the basement to "borrow" said pedal, I hope the threads are the same.

with that I give you the menu.


8:00 AM
1.5 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 1% milk 110

9:00 AM
1 boiled egg (beet egg) 75

12:30 PM
1 can tuna 150
2 slices whole wheat bread 140
1 tbsp miracle whip 35
2oz sliced tomato 10

2:30 PM
1 6oz pear 100
1 banana 105

4:15 PM
1 egg (beet egg) 75

6:00 PM
2.5oz pork chop 150
200 grams steamed broccoli 80
1 cup cooked white 200
1 pat butter 35
crystal light 20

Grand total of 1465 calories for the day, but zero exercise for the day, I feel very guilty for that but it is beyond my control until I get a pedal or the weather clears up. I try to get my push ups and stretches etc in but it just doesn't feel much like a work out without the cardio involved. hopefully the pedal from my sons bike fits when I retrieve it from the basement, if not I will go buy a cheap one at Target or somewhere like that to hold me over until I can locate one that works completely.

As Ever

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Day 64
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