Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Exercise for 1/15/08 is fini, 15 minutes on the bike, followed by push ups and squats, left the crunches out as its after 2:00PM and I have not eaten lunch yet and my belly is growling. Music for the day was Black train Jack. This is my favorite music to work out to as the songs are relatively short and I know all of the words so 15 minutes passes quite fast and effortlessly, if you don't count the sweat and heavy breathing lol. I updated the "Monthly minutes" and I am thinking about adding a push up counter as well, just for the record it was 2 sets of 15 today.

2.This Is The Way
3.Guy Like Me
4.Who's That Man
5.Mad Doll
6.My Disciple
7.No Reward
10.Newest One, The
11.One Love
12.Doesn't Matter
13.If I Can
14.Guy Like Me

As Ever

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