Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 17

There once was a boy named Tony, and he decided to do something about his health and drop the weight that he has grown accustomed to having on his body, so a decision was made to eat better and move more often. what do ya know! it is working, who wouldda thunk?

Day 17 went well and I actually hit my 1500 calorie mark almost perfectly, I think I am not getting enough calories, but not because I feel hungry or malnourished but because I am reading a lot on the subject of weight loss and everything I read says I should be eating more calories. I honestly feel like I am in a zone atm and don't want to break stride until I get the scale that was ordered. It should be here by mid week next week hopefully, and I can't wait! I feel so much better than I did a month ago as far as sluggishness and drive goes, and I actually look forward to working out again, once I drop a significant amount of weight I plan on lifting weights again to try and gain back some of the muscle that I know was lost in the last 7 years. I miss it. My father has started eating better and working out again too, this seems contagious. first my wife now the old man!

Exercising is going well and I can feel things are easier now and its only been 18 days! I think I am going to try and convince the wife that I need a heavy bag to hang in the basement for a little bit of "fun" exercise. I do wish the weather would lighten up so I can keep the walks going, there is a couple inches of snow on the ground this morning and freezing rain has been coming down on top of it for the past hour, weeee fun! anyways onto the menu for day 17.


7:30 AM
1 Quaker rice cake 60
10 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25

10:30 AM
2 cups bran cereal 180
1 cup 2% milk 130

2:15 PM
1 Van de Camp fish fillets 140
3/4 cup cooked white rice 150
1/2 pat butter 20
1 banana 105
crystal light 15

6:00 PM
1/2 cup refried beans (3 tacos) 90
3 small mission white tortollas 165
1oz lite cheddar cheese 70
2 oz tomato 10
1oz lettuce 5
2 tbsp LaVictoria red taco sauce 10
2oz lean chuck steak sliced 140
2 jalapeno slices 5
glass of crystal light 20

6:45 PM
12 oz green tea 1 tspn sugar 25

9:15 PM
Beafsteak light Rye Bread - 1 slice 40
2 oz lean deli turkey breast 100

Grand total of 1505 Calories for the day, over by 5 but I call that right on any day! not much more I can say that I haven't said in the intro of this post so I will leave it at at that. As always Thanks for following along with my trip and thanks for the support.

As Ever

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