Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Day 8

Eight days gone and still going without a hiccup, It was a beautiful 60 degrees outside slight breeze and the sun was out, so I decided to take a walk with my daughter. we walked for 20 minutes me carrying her for about half the trip :) . I am finding that the food is a little more expensive being on this type of diet, we go shopping more often and buying better food for the most part but I am also finding that we seem to have a lot more left over so it evens out, and we save everything because a lot of the portions are small so saving that last bit of something makes sense now. onto the menu.


8:00 AM
Coffee 0
3 tspn sugar 75
3 tspn coffee mate 30

10:30 AM
2 slices wheat bread 120
1 boiled egg (egg salad) 70
1 tbsp Miracle whip 35

1:10 p m
2 hebrew national hotdogs 90
1.5 cups cooked rice 300
2 pats butter 70
glass of crystal light 5

3:30 PM
1 apple 70

5:45 PM I decided I would make some easy Macaroni salad which consisted of.
1.5 cups elbo pasta 330
1 can tuna 150
2 tbsp Miracle whip 70
2 oz cucumber 8
3 oz sliced tomato 17
1 glass crystal light 5

Grand total of 1445 Calories for the day
, doing good so far, I really do think I need to get a scale so that I know exactly what I weigh, more for the psychological advantage that I would get by having that number go down (or up). I found a scale that goes to 550 lbs that I think will do nicely, my only fear is that I am too heavy for it and I believe I am right around that weight, I could be totally off on that estimate, or I could be under, I don't know at this point.

As Ever

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